Friday, September 4, 2015

Strange Post - Hacked?

Hey Strangers,

Have you seen the weird post with the dinosaur on it? I woke up this morning and saw someone had added it to the blog. I have no idea where it came from. Is this one of the downsides to using a free blog page? I can't remember if I signed up to allow ads on the site, but maybe I did. Is this an ad? If it is, it's a strange one selling who knows what. Or was I hacked because they don't do security as well as I did on my blog?

I'm leaving it up, because it's a cool little mystery. I'm intrigued to hear what you guys make of it. The font looks familiar, but I can't quite place it off the top of my head, though. Anyone recognize it?

Stay Strange!

Update: Apparently, this post has shown up in an identical form on all sorts of paranormal blogs across the net over the last couple of days. Should I feel flattered that they think I'm a legitimate paranormal blogger with lots of reach, or should I be insulted, because maybe they think I'm just like all the other paranormal bloggers on the net, most of whom wouldn't know a vampire if it bit them.


  1. Hey Steve, don't you know? Obviously the dinosaurs have been hiding with us this whole time! They chill out in the amazon and obviously the government doesn't want us to know, that's why they are cutting down the rainforest, so they can get the dinosaurs in a secret program to fight the aliens.

    This is probably a leaked alien flyer warning others of the ivernment plot.

  2. Hey Steve, don't you know? Obviously the dinosaurs have been hiding with us this whole time! They chill out in the amazon and obviously the government doesn't want us to know, that's why they are cutting down the rainforest, so they can get the dinosaurs in a secret program to fight the aliens.

    This is probably a leaked alien flyer warning others of the ivernment plot.

  3. I did see it, of course you're the only blog I follow coz as you said the others know nothing man. They could be living over a portal to hell and just think it was lovely weather.

    Sheeple all of them.
