Friday, August 14, 2015

The Mannequin Killer - Thoughts?

So, the Mannequin Killer. Killing two people and dressing up one in the other’s in their clothes. And always someone normal. A unique looking person and a normal looking person. Freakin’ weird if you ask me. Where are the bodies of the distinctive people? Why are they all missing and the bland people so easily found? How is he killing them? There’s no signs of poison or violence or anything. And what’s the motive? What would make a person do so much work (and not even take the cash out of the wallets)? Honestly, guys. Supernatural? Super weirdo? I’ve got nothing on this one. Consider me stumped.

 What do you guys think? Serial killer? Deranged artist? Spooky ghost? Share your theories.

As always, stay strange!



  1. Steve there is clearly more to this man. I mean did people even see these normal people before they went missing and died? I'm not sure they are people, if you wanted to infiltrate us you'd make your army of infiltrators look like the most boring normal people around. Whoever is knocking them off is doing us a favor!

  2. Switching bodies, not clothes. Pinching the candlewick to douse the flame.
